LEAMINGTON 2018 – page 1

Once again it is time for the Nationals at Leamington Spa.  Apart from the first aid tent we also support quite a few of the competitions.  Bob Saunders is good enough to let me choose the pictures I want to put on the site, for which I am very grateful.

Always in attendance is Martin, our onsite Medical Team and this year he has the lovely Sally to assist.  Hopefully they will not be needed and can have a restful few weeks


On the first weekend the Middleton Cup and the John’s Trophy take place and Geoff Hunt (the Chairman of Friends) and his lovely wife Jan presented the cheques to the winners.

Leicestershire – the winners of the Middleton Cup who beat Devon in the finals

The Ladies from Surrey have once again won the John’s Trophy

The Family Pairs was won by father and son, Mark and Andrew Smith


The winners of the Senior 4s. Royal Wootton Bassett. It was so nice to see them win as earlier in the year the Friends had joined them to celebrate 90 glorious years.


Amy Gowshall – the winner of the National Two Wood championship


Paul Comley and Colin Whitehead from Oxfordshire. Winners of the Senior Pairs


Sussex – the winners of the Walker Cup



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