Wednesday 4th September – Helpful Husband: “Now take care, the entrance comes up really quickly along this road I always seem to go past it and have to turn round”.. yes we missed it and had to turn round! Once parked we were welcomed into the Iver Heath club and enjoyed the buffet prepared for us by the club members. Thanks Betty, Kate, Sue, Lyn and Sylvia for lunch and for the after match meal, all delicious and home made too.
We were welcomed on to the green by Club President and Captain Danny Davies and then started our game in the warm sunshine. A bit blowy so the bowls didn’t always do what was expected, well that’s my excuse. However the green had a very good pace and is obviously well looked after by Chris Robbins and the green team. Lovely too to see all the hanging baskets and flower beds around the clubhouse. I enjoyed playing with my team of Barbara Battom, Allan Sayers and Ray Keen versus Danny’s team skipped by Sue Skerry, a fellow Friend. However a disastrous last few ends by us gave them the win and by co-incidence the difference of 5 was reflected in the overall score. 118 to the Friends and 123 to Iver Heath – a win for our hosts.
- Top rink for Iver Heath was Carole Fox, Terry Knowles, Rod Evans and Mike Skerry.
- Top rink for Friends was Maxine Fletcher, Carol Daines, Philip Havord and Martin Salter.
Thank you to Keith & Terry, club members who looked after our liquid refreshment; Keith Hawes – as well as being a great barman, is also the Bucks County President this year.
Before we started the after meal formalities trays of fizz suddenly appeared plus a super cake. A Special birthday surprise for Valerie White – whatever number was on the cake Val we don’t be-lieve it. Husband Michael had everything organised for us to celebrate the occasion with her. Well done Michael, it was a lovely surprise for us all as well, and you must have brownie points that will last for years!
This was followed by the usual toasts and speeches on both sides plus little bit about the Friends by me. An extra special day and maybe we may have a couple of new Friends from Iver Heath next year, though we can’t promise cake and fizz every time!
Marcia Dunstone
Captain of the Day