18th July 2021 : The day has arrived for the ‘Friends’ to celebrate Aylesbury Town reaching their 100th Anniversary. The sun was out, it was hot, the green looked lovely and the welcome was great, with Ann Payne, Match Secretary, at the gate providing us with all the information we required. At the clubhouse we were met by current President and Captain Colin Perrottet. The 24 Friends bowlers had come from 10 different counties to play including the current Bowls England President Paul Robson. I think he came to suss out the green for when he returns with his Bowls England team.
The club is amongst a sports complex of tennis, cricket, squash and bowls and today we were the only sport competing, maybe it was too hot for the others. The Sports Club oversees the clubs but each one is independent and looks after their own buildings and playing surfaces with the Sports Club helping with obtaining any grants etc.
A lovely buffet was provided before the start of the game and the bar was open. Once Adie had organised the cards we went out and played a ‘spider’ which was won by a home team member. Photos were next and then finally the game commenced. Visitors first had to try and find some shade so that they could watch the game without being overcome with heatstroke.
Whist Trial ends were played the usual questions were asked amongst the players on each rink, how far have you come?, how long have you been at this club? all answered with astonishment and laughter.
The game then started and was going to be the full 21 ends in hot sunshine. Water was provided at the end of the rinks and of course the bar was still open. The game score was very up and down throughout and a lot of laughter coming from all rinks.
An excellent game and finally we were able to get out of the sun … but it was still warm inside the clubhouse. Some of the heat coming out of the kitchen where the ladies had cooked us a lovely meal of chicken in sauce, new potatoes and vegetables followed by trifle.
Speeches and presentations followed the meal, together with the score – Friends 126, Aylesbury 115 Only 11 shots in it over 6 rinks, very close. Both clubs had top rinks. The Friends were Margaret Malloch, Trish Scholey, Paul Robson and Mike Poole, and for Aylesbury Chris Hounslow, Jan Green, Dave Catton and Keith Stratfull.
Of course the important presentation was the Framed Celebration Certificate for Aylesbury Town B.C. Centenary to Colin which bowlers will hope to see next time they bowl at this wonderful club.
Thanks was given to all those that had made it such a wonderful day the green keepers, the kitchen staff, the bar staff, the bowlers and other members who were assisting in the background.
It was then time for everyone to make their way back home having met new and old faces playing the game of bowls.
Mike Bertrand