The Heat was felt in Broomfield

Sunday 11th June ‘23 :    Even though this was my second visit to Broomfield I nearly missed the narrow entrance to the drive and car park.  Fortunately the car closely behind me had good brakes!  With a hot afternoon in prospect Bryan, Club Chairman and bar manager was soon dispensing cool drinks to the thirsty travellers.

Brace yourselves for a hot afternoon

Unfortunately this game hadn’t been as well supported by the Friends as other games had been.  After a plea from our Match secretary, Adie, the numbers were bolstered by some players bringing a few of their club members along.  Thank you to both the Friends and the players they brought with them for keeping this Celebratory game viable.  The forecasted heat had however caused one couple to pull out at the last minute so we started the game with four rinks and a triples.

We were here to remember Peter Hicks, a staunch supporter of Celebratory games who travelled around the country, mostly by train, to watch matches.  The white bag that preceded him as he arrived was legendary.  Peter didn’t actually join Broomfield, he was part of a group of players whose club had closed in 2019 and were intending to join Broomfield for the next season.  Covid struck so their move was delayed and then Peter passed away before he could join along with his fellow players; a great loss to his friends and bowls.

After the usual introductions the 18 end game got under way and was followed by an enjoyable afternoon of bowls and getting to know our opponents.  Nick Waker, the club captain and a good player had been one of the friends of Peter who had moved to Broomfield.

After the match we enjoyed a lovely buffet provided by Chairman Andy Combe and his fellow helpers.   In the after match speeches those members who had made the afternoon so successful were thanked including the green ranger Jim and his team.

The match result was a win for the Friends 91 – 74 and gifts given to the top rinks from both sides.  FEB Top rink was Maddie McConomy (Kent), Natalie Chalcraft (Herts) and Paul Osborn(Beds).  Broomfield’s rink was V Brown, G Moore, J Hooper and D Smith.  Friends from 6 counties (Beds, Bucks, Herts, Kent, Oxon and Wilts) had travelled to Palmers Green for this very enjoyable game.

A personal thanks to Nick and other club members who assisted me in starting the car after I stupidly left the air-con running for the afternoon and drained the battery!

Marcia Dunstone
Captain of the Day

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